Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Catching up

First, an oops moment. I have excuses, such as working 60 to 70 hours a week most weeks for several months, but still... My blog reading and other fun online stuff has been quite patchy due to being overwhelmed. (Hopefully that gets better soon!) Anyway, I somehow managed to miss this award. Sorry OTB, I wasn't ignoring you, I was just out of it!

Even two months later your post made my day, so thanks! When I have a bit more time I will pass the award on. :-D

If I missed any other links from people, sorry!

Regarding the horses, they are both pretty frisky lately. A couple weeks ago I was able to measure Andolu's feet after his trim, and I went and got him some Simple Boots to use for riding! Then I started leading him and Mira up the road a little after dawn every morning. The dawn part is to avoid flies and heat. I just led them for a while, but now we are starting to have Sis get on Andolu for a short time. She is pretty light, so I figured that would be a good way to get him back in shape for riding again without all of a sudden putting 5' 7" me on him.

When leading them, it is pretty funny to observe the differences in their reactions. I had forgotten how Mira never looks tired going somewhere, unless it is somewhere she is totally used to. After a long jaunt she will look tired and walk slow as soon as you head for home, but anyplace new is just too exciting to think about being tired. She walks fast and her ears bob in rhythm :-D She is also the one who would love to escape and explore the neighborhood and look in everyone's windows and investigate their dogs and flowers, whereas Andolu would head straight for the hay and eat as long as he could, and then go to sleep.

Andolu is more energetic with his boots on, but walks with long slow strides. However, he does pretty regularly spook at noises in the bushes, (one spot is really wooded and there probably is a skunk or fox there); his spooks are just a jump and an attempt to trot away with his head high. And if I ask him to trot I have to be careful or he will try to gallop away with me. I cannot wait 'till I can find a good spot for galloping someday - it will be so fun! I might be crazy, but it's nice to see him acting more like a young OTTB. I like a horse with energy!

Sometime soon I'll try to get updated pictures of them both. They are kind of dusty right now and need baths, though, despite getting hosed off every day.

Oh, and we planted alfalfa. That'll have to wait for the next post, though!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

glad you finally got the award. I figured you were just busy.