Saturday, July 19, 2008

Laminits Update: 5

The farrier did come yesterday and put aluminum plates on Andolu's front feet. I was talking to one of my friends and she said, "I know how frustrating it can be to have to do something for my kids that I never planned on doing that way, but things change and we have to do whatever is best for them at the time." I was like, yeah, I know, I know. I am still conflicted over the shoes, but the vet wanted him to have support to prevent further tearing of the lamina these next few weeks, and hoof boots 24/7 would have issues like rubbing and retaining heat, stuff like that. The main reason I did go ahead and get the shoes, though, is because now that my really good trimmer doesn't want to travel all the way up here anymore, I have not been able to find another committed and experienced trimmer, and this farrier is committed and experienced with laminitis care. They are Natural Balance shoes, too, which means they have good breakover design. Anatolian was almost sound before the shoes, but still obviously tender on asphalt. After the shoes he was moving better on the asphalt and still walking slightly heel first, which is ideal. He didn't seem to care at all about having shoes on, either, so that was good. Once he can have controlled exercise I will still put boots over his feet for shock absorption. Hopefully he can go back to barefoot soon, as I do believe that proper barefoot is much better overall than proper shoeing. But, we'll see!

Mira got trimmed too. She didn't need much of a trim, but now her feet look absolutely perfect. It really is cool what fabulous feet she has! (Sorry, couldn't help the brag)

I finally, after 2 months of looking, connected with someone who is putting loads of hay together for delivery to our area, and I am going to buy a squeeze of mostly grass hay. (A squeeze is 84 bales) I can hardly wait - it will be SO nice to have the next year's supply of hay on the property! Phew...


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